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 Wall Hack New Update

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Name* : Ray Akbar Octavian
My Mood* : Wall Hack New Update Angeli10
Male Gold : 194
Reputation : 6
Jumlah posting : 67
Join date : 29.03.11
Age : 26
Lokasi* : Sumedang
Status* : Lajang

Wall Hack New Update Empty
PostSubyek: Wall Hack New Update   Wall Hack New Update EmptyThu Mar 31, 2011 4:23 pm

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Status Undetec

Support Wallhack :

Cara pakai :
[-]Download File dari VIP F2F
[-]Buka FIle
[-]Pindahkan File yg bernama "D3DX9_43.dll" Ke System 32
[-]Buka Pb
[-]Buka F2F_Special WallhackF2F
[-]tekan Injected

Agar Tidak BT/DC , Aktifkan wallhack Saat loaing Pertama / Sebelum Bertanding [saat Di Room sebelum Play]
tekan Insert lalu arah panah kanan Disini
Atau Disni

Apabila tekan insert nya saat bermain kadang bisa terjadi Bt mendadak....
selamat Bokong kill kembali...xixixixixih

Usahakan Anda Sudah menginstall vcredist , Net Framework ,dan latest version of DirectX
Silahkan Bisa Download di bawah Ini :
Click here

Created :
Thanks to :
andr1edk [ SUHU]
F3rryp3ll0 [tester]
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Wall Hack New Update

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